Crow River Speech Services specializes in providing teletherapy evaluations and treatment for school-age children & teens! As a school-based speech pathologist of over 25 years, Kim has gained extensive experience and continuing education training in these areas:
Articulation refers to the way we make speech sounds. Speech errors may include difficulties producing specific sounds or sound patterns correctly, such as saying “wabbit” for rabbit or “-no” for snow.
Apraxia is a motor-planning speech disorder. A child with apraxia has difficulty planning movements required to say words resulting in inconsistent speech sound errors.
Contact me if your child is having trouble saying speech sounds correctly.
Expressive language is our ability to use language to communicate with others. It includes such things as vocabulary, grammar, and sentence formation.
Receptive language refers to our ability to understand language. Examples would be comprehending basic concepts or understanding simple directions.
Contact me if your child has difficulty with language skills.
Stuttering is a disruption to the flow of speech that may be accompanied by other characteristics like hard eye blinks. Stuttering can include repetitions (e.g., le le le le let’s go to the park), prolongations (e.g., llllllllllet’s go to the park), or blocks, which are abnormal inaudible pauses when trying to speak (e.g., Let’s go to the -block- park.)
Contact me if your child is exhibiting any stuttering behaviors.
AAC is a form of communication used to support the expression and understanding of language for those with complex communication needs. AAC systems are provided to promote communication throughout the day. (Proloquo2Go, PODD: Pragmatic Organization Dynamic Display, and PECS: Picture Exchange Communication System)
Contact me if your child is implementing a communication system or if you have questions about AAC.

Crow River Speech Services offers speech teletherapy to MN schools either short-term or long-term on a part-time or full-time basis. As a school-based speech pathologist for many years, I have extensive experience in treatment procedures for various populations, successful engagement in therapy sessions, and a strong understanding of special education procedures and paperwork.
Contact me if I can help meet the speech & language needs within your district.